《搞事警察美版第2季》的剧情主要围绕两位性格迥异的纽约警察展开。这两位警察在执行任务时常常不按常理出牌,他们不仅聪明过人,而且善于利用自己的独特方式和幽默感应对各种复杂情况。在这一季中,他们面临了更多的挑战和危机,不仅要在各种复杂案件中寻找线索、破解谜团,还要应对来自上司和同事的压力和质疑。同时,他们还要处理自己的个人问题,如家庭矛盾、感情纠葛等。Set against the world of a major drug cartel bust, the series follows two low-level cops who have spent far too much time in a car together; two criminals who are largely kept in the dark; two dispatch workers who haven't really clicked; and two Mexican tunnelers who are in way too small a space considering they've only just met.